August 23, 2006

My friend.

因第 N 次進修 "ING 架 呢 she" 關係.

今天我功課的作文題目是 : "My Best Friend"

"ING 架 呢 she" 喎. 認真思想後用心寫了你 Winnie.

"My best friend is called Winnie. She would like me called her "Winnie The Pooh". I met her in my early year of colleage and we have been great friends ever since. We known each other for 10 years. She is my best listener in the world. Althought we are not meet often, but we still care and understand so much. I never thought I can have a friend with this such nice and warm relationship. At this moment, I hope we can go travel once again. Just because I missed the Korea Trip for 4 years ago so much !!..............................................."

用心果然 "確不同". 希望我的 HOPE 可以快點成真.


Anonymous said...

I feel so touching when i see this passage,u also in my heart sometimes,although not meet often

Extraordinary Life 翠斯 said...

Dear Winnie

Sor Chu... u are!!

You can overcome it.

LOVE beside you !

Let's go body message together this week la....