Special write in English for my friend Ryu. It was much appreciated that you update my blog often, as I know you are busy on your studying. Hope to see and talk to you as we both have similar value in terms of life. Work Hard Ryu.
I don't want to back work today. Luckily, I woke up late this morning.. Call sick is the best way indeed. Felt extremely tired even on my body and soul. Can fall into sleep easily. And my current work is quite annoying to me at this moment. I need to move on since I can't stand for "routine" daily work. I hate bored and waste time. I really wanna take a break and go to Travel ... ... ...hope to discover new inspiritation.
I like "Changes" and "Destiny".
Without work today, I MSN with my lovely friend(s) in this afternoon. Haven't talk to you guys for a period.
Shopping for some tiny accessories then.
Yoga to flushing my body & soul.
Dessert to refreshing my stomach !
We Deserved to have Dessert everynite !
Tracy, I thank you for writing such a lovely diary, exclusively for me.
I just appreciate your concern.
Yes, as you mentioned, I am truely busy with studying and have many other things to do, but HAPPY since my life is filled with what I want to do.
People sometimes need to relax. I strongly agree with your own decision.
Although I've not even talk to you face-to-face, I understand you and want to cheer for you.
I really hope you'll get something important for your futher life soon.
Just talk to me anytime you need!
I'm happy to help you!
Dear Ryu,
So kind of U.
Thanks your sharing to me.
I jealous you can live what u want.
Take care yourself and I believe you enjoy your life.
Keep in Touch
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